(754) 204-4946 [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the Step Up for Students Scholarship?

Yes, many families have been reimbursed for services by using the Step Up for Students Scholarship. Once you have paid your invoice, you can submit the paid invoice via the Scholarship Portal to be reimbursed.

How long do sessions last?

  • Typically, each session lasts 45 minutes and takes place at least twice a week. Individual needs vary, but all research agrees that intensity is required for successful reading intervention.
  • Once a child is performing at grade level, you have the option of reducing to once a week for maintenance purposes.

What Are Your Fees?

  • Typically, we recommend two sessions per week. This usually ranges between $160 to $230 per week, depending upon needs. 

How long do students stay with you?

Unfortunately, there is no average length of stay. The length of stay is based on the individual’s skill set and their family’s goals. Like everything else, this is unique to your child.

Will you collaborate with other professionals?

Yes! We welcome the chance to work with other educators and therapists on your child’s team.

Do you keep a waitlist?

No. We do not want to ask someone to wait and delay them from getting intervention.

Are there any long-term contracts?

Never. We want the best for each child we work with. Our priority is building an independent, confident reader. We do not want to hinder someone from accessing the help that is right for them.

Can you tell me if my child has a learning disability?

No. We can assess your child’s reading skills, to create a personalized plan for intervention. We cannot diagnose them with a learning disability. To determine if your child has a learning disability, you would need to speak with a qualified psychologist and get a psychoeducational battery.

What ages do you work with?

  • 5 to adult
  • Not every learner has had the benefit of being identified early in their academic career and we welcome the opportunity to work with adults. If you suspect you have a learning disability or Dyslexia we may be able to help.

Will you work with more than one child at a time?

No. Every child is different and responds to instruction differently. No two children progress at the same rate. By working with only one child at a time we can ensure we are working at the optimal level for each child.